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Our Company

We are a Commercial Company by Simplified Actions S.A.S, registered in the Chamber of Commerce of Medellín, Colombia on April 8, 2011 with registration number 21-447059-12 and NIT 900427467. Since its inception we have dedicated ourselves to I&D of innovative products that provide added value to our customers. In our line of home cosmetics, we offer a differentiating product in the market that contributes to the improvement of the environmental and social conditions of the clients when making use of the sanitary facilities due to its physical chemical characteristics. This way, we present OSEAAN GOTICAS DE AROMA, a neutralizing product or retainer of unpleasant odors.

Certificates, patents and acknowledgments

INVIMA Sanitary registration in Colombia.

Sanitary registration in Panamá.

Distinctive sign registration certificate.

Efficiency certificate in odor control in the liquid composition Goticas de Aroma.

Invention patent Res SIC. 64348.

European Community health registration granted by Switzerland.

FDA Registered Certified Facility – United States Government. Agency Responsible for Consumer Protection.

Recognition of intellectual property Colombia: innovation and brand positioning.

International trademark registration granted by the Agency US Federal Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).



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I want to say that my experience with goth women was very good and pleasant, knowing that going to the bathroom and having an uncomfortable moment was no longer a problem...
Ana Isabel Uribe Ossa
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Having the opportunity to use this magnificent product was something very rewarding for my whole family; the fact of being able to be totally comfortable...
Lizeth Daniela Álvarez Villada.
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After receiving the product (Goticas de Aroma) to avoid bad smells, I was super eager to try it and show it to my family. When I showed them and explained the product...
Angie Noble
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The “Oseaan” product was very useful in my home since it provided a much more pleasant environment when it came to fulfilling the physiological needs for the whole family and myself ...
Dairo Arroyo Saucedo

Our points of sale

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